NAVIGATING by the stars
Full Moon in Leo: Tending to your heart
Full Moons are notoriously powerful. They shift the tides, both literally but also metaphorically within our lives. Guided by the light corals spawn for a few days following the Full Moon. Its...
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New Moon in Aquarius; give up all the other worlds except the one that you belong to
As I write this, we are actively dwelling in the energy of the New Moon in Aquarius. Culturally, for most of history, it was commonly believed that we live in an enchanted sentient cosmos....
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Be the change you wish to see
“The stars are like letters that inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. Everything in the world is full of signs. All events are coordinated. All things depend on each other. Everything...
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Full Moon in Cancer: Soul Nourishment
Each month, the Full Moon illuminates our skies. If you dwell in an urban area flooded with light, the visual power of this period is far more subdued, no matter how radiant the Moon...
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New Moon in Capricorn; Living with reverence
Tomorrow, Monday, December 30, at 5:27 pm EST, we have our last New Moon of 2024 in the sign of Capricorn. I look at this new Moon and I can hear Aretha Franklin singing R-E-S-P-E-C-T find...
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Winter Solstice: An invitation to gestate
The Winter Solstice is a time often hailed as the return of the light: On the darkest day of the year, the Sun metaphorically is born again. A seed of possibility is planted during the shortest...
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Mars Goes Retrograde; Harness power from within
There is an innate wildness within all of us. A way of moving, a pulse, that silently draws us forward. An instinctive knowing that seemingly, inexplicably draws us along our path. It knows what...
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New Moon in Sagittarius: Taking a leap of faith
New Moon in Sagittarius December 1, 1:21 am EST/November 30, 10:21 pm PST I have a long four-foot wooden plaque that is designed to be a Christmas decoration, which is inscribed with...
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Mercury Retrograde: Reclaiming your story
The way we pay attention to the world around us shapes our world. Our attention, what we focus on, is a lens that filters both how and what we see, what we are able to receive from the world and...
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Full Moon in Taurus; Balancing between holding on and letting go
On Friday, November 15, at 1:29 PST/4:29 EST. our last supermoon of the year, a Full Moon in Taurus takes place. The Moon is the heavenly body that is the closest to us, both astronomically and...
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Pluto Reenters Aquarius; We Are All Just Walking Each other Home
Life is messy. More often than not, the unexpected shows up at our door. Something or someone we never anticipated. Something we didn’t believe was possible. What happens next is...
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New Moon in Scorpio, seeing the light
The Parable Of The Drowning Man is a short story, often told as a joke, most often about a devout Christian Minister who refuses several rescue attempts in the face of approaching floodwaters, each...
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Shadow Dancing During Scorpio Season
Late this past Tuesday, October 22, we collectively entered Scorpio season, which admittedly is one of my favorite times of the year. When the Sun shines its light on things, it gives them life...
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Something is Revealed; Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
This week, late on Tuesday, September 17 at 10:34 pm EDT/ 7:34 pm PDT, we officially enter eclipse season. In astrological terms, eclipses bring powerful events. They are markers of change. ...
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A Season of Change
Experience has led me to believe the most significant need we all have in common is a felt sense of belonging. We rarely think about it but implicit in this primal need lies a a yearning for a...
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